Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) are integral to every facet of our project,influencing both project delivery and outcomes. Recognising the diverselandscape of Higher Education and the potential biases embedded in AI systems,we will implement comprehensive strategies to ensure EDI considerations areforefront.

During project delivery, our focus on EDI will manifest in multiple dimensions. Wewill actively engage in participatory forms of data collection, ensuring that diversevoices and perspectives are incorporated into the development process. Thisapproach fosters inclusivity, capturing a broader understanding of potential biasesand discrimination within the AI system.

Governance is another critical aspect where EDI is a central theme. The composition of the project team reflects a commitment to diversity. Our team brings together members with varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, ensuring that decision-making processes are enriched by a range of viewpoints.The advisory board includes experts with a deep understanding of EDI issues in education and technology, contributing valuable insights to shape the project’s direction.

Stakeholder and end-user engagement are approached with an EDI lens toensure that the benefits of our project are equitable across diverse studentcohorts. We actively seek input from stakeholders representing differentdemographics, ensuring that the solution addresses the unique challenges facedby various groups. Inclusivity in our engagement strategy extends beyond formalchannels to capture the voices of those who may be traditionally underrepresentedor marginalised.

Design thinking, a fundamental approach in our project, is inherently aligned withEDI principles. Our design process incorporates a diversity of perspectives,recognising that different groups of end-users may have distinct needs andexpectations. We actively solicit feedback from a diverse range of potential end-users, including students with varying backgrounds and experiences. Thisinclusive design approach ensures that the final solution is accessible, relevant,and beneficial to a broad spectrum of users.

Challenges and opportunities related to EDI will be met with a proactive stance.Challenges, when identified, will be addressed through iterative design processes, and opportunities will be leveraged to enhance the inclusivity of our project. By embedding EDI considerations into every aspect of our project, we aim not only to develop a fair and unbiased AI system but also to contribute to the broader discourse on the role of AI in promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in HigherEducation.